Positive Hypnobirthing Birth Stories
All Happy Parents. Happy Baby. antenatal courses include hypnobirthing classes, where we share all the tools for a positive birth. From mental preparation, to breathing and relaxation practice, plus techniques that will help you to stay calm and give birth more comfortably and efficiently. We’ll also share tips on positions for an active birth, essential oils and massage.
We’re always so pleased to hear from our course graduates who have used the hypnobirthing techniques they have learnt on the Happy Parents. Happy Baby. course to have a really positive birth experience.
We hope their stories inspire you to try hypnobirthing, so you too can have an empowering birth experience however your baby comes into the world
You can read more positive birth stories here
Gemma and Theo were going to be second time parents and attended our premium course in Leyton & Leytonstone. Please read on for the most amazing positive birth story…
Rosie’s labour was straight-forward, however she felt that attending the HPHB antenatal course helped prepare her for any eventuality. Rosie tells us how any pain or exhaustion went immediately out the window the moment she saw her baby girl.
Angela encountered several situations during her labour that the HPHB course had prepped her for - she tells us how she felt informed, calm, reassured and confident as things unfolded.
Esther’s labour didn’t unfold in the way that she had hoped and involved both an induction and an epidural. However she still had a really positive birth experience. She tell us how she was prepared to change her “ideal” for what was best for her and her baby.
Hayette recalls how coming on the Happy Parents. Happy Baby. Premium Course was really helpful in making her feel calm during her unplanned Caesarean Section
First time parents Matt and Gemma were initially anxious about childbirth, however coming on the HPHB course gave them the knowledge and confidence to create birth preferences that would fit any labour scenario they might encounter.
Megan found out at 37 weeks that her baby was breech and would require a planned caesarean section. Please read on to see what a lovely, calm and positive expierence she had when her baby was born.
TJ and Tom really owned their birth experience. From the lovely, calming environment that they were able to create to the way that they trusted their team who helped them make informed decisions, they welcomed baby Miles on their terms.
Hannah tells us about her positive experience of an induction as she and her partner Steve welcomed their baby Nathan James into the world
Caroline and Vince used all the information they and learnt on the HPHB course to enjoy a really positive birth experience.
Emilia is Sonja’s second baby. She realised after taking the Happy Parents. Happy Baby. antenatal course how under prepared she had been the first time round. Attending the Forest Hill course helped her and her partner David prepare for all eventualities and as a result they felt calm and in control throughout Sonja’s labour, which helped them to have such an incredible and positive experience.
Katherine and Ross had a really positive birth expierence as they welcomed baby Kaila into the world. Katherine used the Hapy Parents. Happy Baby. hypnobithing techniques and relaxations throughout her labour to help her feel calm and Ross supported her with her breathing.
Although Ria didn’t have the water birth she wanted, she still had a really positive experience even in the middle of lockdown. She was thankful to Happy Parents. Happy Baby. for showing her pain relief options and teaching her and her partner Andrew first aid.
After a round of IVF, Hannah was over the moon to have a positive pregnancy test. During her pregnancy Covid 19 was announced in the UK and lockdown began. Hannah kept calm and focused and thanks HPHB Daily Dose of Happiness classes and hypnobirthing videos for helping her to get through what could have been a difficult time.
Lara experienced a straight forward pregnancy and a very swift labour, during which, she really listened to her instinct, which was telling her to go into hospital; 90 minutes after arriving, Amelia was born!
As Susie’s labour unfolded she started moving further and further away from her birth preferences, however both her and husband, Guy, kept an open mind, which helped calmly make decisions and stay in-control
Anna and Chris look back on their positive birth experience with fond memories. Happy Parents. Happy Baby. helped them prepare for labour with hypnobirthing techniques and helped after Oliver was home, being able to draw information from the Happy Parents. Happy Baby. breastfeeding sessions.
Kat had a really enjoyable pregnancy and a positive water birth using hypnobirthing. HPHB helped Kat and Paul to be prepared and confident for any outcome and also postnatally - showing them positions to hold the baby during breastfeeding.
Marina had a C-Section after finding out her baby was breech. This wasn’t her preferred birth option but she thanks HPHB for preparing her for all birth outcomes and for teaching her hypnobirthing breathing techniques which kept her calm in the theatre.
After wanting a VBAC – Vaginal Birth after Caesarean – but their journey unfolding in different ways, Sam felt reassured through Happy Parents. Happy Baby. about why things might not go the way they planned, what could happen instead and understanding options from a medical point of view.
Emily walked to Homerton Hospital while in labour and used the hypnobirthing she learnt through Happy Parents. Happy Baby. to have a positive birth.
Melanie enjoyed her pregnancy and although her birth didn’t go the way she’d hoped, it was still really positive and seeing Husdon for the first time was magical. Happy Parents. Happy Baby. helped prepare Melanie to be flexible to change and to take time in getting to know each other as a family after the birth.
Grace’s birth was long but overall she enjoyed it. She wanted a water birth and was anxious about the possibility of not getting it but Happy Parents. Happy Baby. helped her to realise that she could still have a positive birth experience without it.
Cristina had a relatively easy pregnancy and says Happy Parents. Happy Baby. helped her during this period particularly with advice on perineum massaging and hypnobirthing practice. She had a difficult labour which resulted in the birth of a 4kg gorgeous baby girl, they are now home and really enjoying parenthood.
Baby Maia was one of the 4% of babies who did in fact arrive on their due date! Jenny and Eamonn talk to us about their positive birth experience and how amazing it felt to welcome Maia into the world…
When Adelaide arrived it was a very special moment for my husband and I because she came out during the very song my husband would sing to her when she was in the womb. Happy Parents. Happy Baby. helped me experience a birth that was even more positive than I could have imagined, it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life.
Susha and Vladimir found hypnobirthing very powerful and say this fed into them having a positive birthing experience. They also found the practical side of the course around baby care really helpful and it helped them feel confident bringing Baby Leo into the world.
For Stacey and Robert, they most appreciated that the Happy Parents. Happy Baby. course was run by a whole team of experts. They felt that all options were explained and they never had any routes pressed on them. They share their positive birth experience and how hypnobirthing played a key role.
I was booked in for an elective C-section as I had gestational diabetes and was told the baby was going to be very big. However, Ozzie made a surprise appearance three weeks early and Happy Parents. Happy Baby. had helped me plan for the unexpected.