Positive Caesarean Section Birth Stories
An abdominal birth or Caesaran section (c-sesction) can be an incredible experience, as these birth stories testify.
Over a quarter of babies in the UK come into the world this way, so it’s really important to know all the options and how you can personalise your experience.
That’s why all our courses have a session with an Obstetric doctor, who performs hundreds of c-sections every year.
So, if you have an elective (planned) c-section, or an unexpected one, we hope the tips and experiences from these parents will help you feel positive and inspired.
You can read more positive birth stories here
Marina had a C-Section after finding out her baby was breech. This wasn’t her preferred birth option but she thanks HPHB for preparing her for all birth outcomes and for teaching her hypnobirthing breathing techniques which kept her calm in the theatre.
Kim and Stuart were booked onto the Leigh-on-Sea course but couldn’t attend due to an early delivery. Although they had a very difficult and emotional journey, they explain seeing Kit for the first time was incredible and they wouldn’t have got through it without the support of the Happy Parents. Happy Baby. course WhatsApp group.
Melanie enjoyed her pregnancy and although her birth didn’t go the way she’d hoped, it was still really positive and seeing Husdon for the first time was magical. Happy Parents. Happy Baby. helped prepare Melanie to be flexible to change and to take time in getting to know each other as a family after the birth.
Although Rachel and Alex’s birth experience didn’t go entirely to plan, Happy Parents. Happy Baby. helped them to realise their choices and options along the way which led to an overall positive birth experience.
Renee and Stephen found going through this experience together to be a really positive thing even though they had quite a challenging time. Through the Happy Parents. Happy Baby. course, they felt informed and prepared for the path their labour and birth took.
Amy was very anxious throughout her pregnancy but had such a positive birth experience. The clinical environment of a C-section is something Amy and Richard were worried about, but through the Happy Parents. Happy Baby. course, they knew there were tweaks they could make to take control and personalise things.