A positive unplanned c section: Clara’s birth story
I had a relatively easy pregnancy. The usual anxieties leading up to scans and some pregnancy insomnia in the third trimester. I tried to keep active and healthy throughout and overall had a really positive time.
I had an anterior placenta, which did lead to some issues with reduced movements, but always had great support from midwives when I went in for it.
Happy Parents. Happy Baby. was such a fantastic course. It enabled Alex and I to learn so much about birthing options and outcomes, what to expect throughout that process and on into the fourth trimester. The relationships I've made with my fellow mums has been invaluable. We still message daily 18 months down the line. I am so grateful we did Happy Parents. Happy Baby. as we felt so prepared and ready for all the different situations that may arise during birth.
Following a few issues with reduced movements throughout my pregnancy, I ended up being induced at 37+3 due to another case. It didn't entirely go to plan, with a slow induction and development of an infection whilst in hospital.
I experienced a lot of things that before birth I hadn't wanted such as having my waters broken and having an epidural. My induction failed to progress and I ended up with an emergency Caesarean.
However, Happy Parents. Happy Baby. were wonderful about talking through the different stages of birth, how things can move through from one stage to the next, and reiterating that you always have options and to always ask questions.
For example, before my epidural, I was able to have mobile CTG bands as I knew through Happy Parents. Happy Baby. they were an option. I knew I could ask my midwife and doctor any questions and say no/ask for further information if I didn't understand why something was happening. The course really helped me know that despite the birth very much not going to my plan I felt like I had options.
I also made sure I had a bluetooth speaker and music playing once we were on the labour ward, as we were there a while it made such a big difference to my mindset during that time.
Alex was fantastic at keeping me calm, he took time to rest when he could too and helped with asking questions when I wasn't quite feeling up to it. There was also a funny moment towards the end as when the decision was finally made to go for a C-section, he was having a shower, so he emerged from the bathroom and was basically thrown some scrubs and told to get moving as the baby was coming.
The moment I first saw Clara was such a special moment, one full of joy, love and for me relief as I had been in hospital for a long time by then.
We had decided not to find out the sex of our baby before birth, so had a comical moment when they lifted the baby up for the big reveal, however I couldn't see over the screen. So Alex was gushing and I had no idea until he called out it was a girl.
The first few days with Clara were a whirlwind, we were in hospital for a further three nights due to the infection. We were lucky to get a private room so in some ways it felt like a little home from home. The private room was also a bonus as it comes with a reclining chair which Alex could sleep in.
Clara started breastfeeding fairly well, we were required to top up with formula at first due to a drop in her blood sugar level, however we continued with breastfeeding as I wanted to and we still are today. We used the sessions in hospital and the feeding volunteers who visited the ward which were positive for us.
Luckily Clara slept well, and I tried to sleep when she slept, as much as possible on a busy postnatal ward.
My recovery from my C-section was overall really good. Slow to be able to do certain things, but I was up and walking around quickly and took each day as it came to go further and do more. Sometimes doing too much and quickly learning to slow down.
It is an overwhelming time, learning so many new skills around feeding, dressing (how many layers of clothes, blankets and hats) and how to change nappies, but overall it's such a magical time getting to know this new little person.
I would 100% recommend Happy Parents. Happy Baby to a friend - it really was a fantastic course. I'm so pleased we did it and recommend it to any friends who have a class nearby!
What would be your top tips to someone having a baby?
Learn about all your options in birth, have your plan, but know how things might change and give some time to think about what you might choose.
Then the same once the baby comes, you'll have your ideas about how it might go, but all babies are different. Clara hated being put down, especially for daytime naps. So she was most often in a sling, or slept on one of us in the daytimes.
Make sure you eat and don't worry when the house looks like a bomb has gone off.
Remember to be kind to yourself, it's such a monumental change in your life, things will go wrong, there
will be poo and sick everywhere some days. But you're doing the best job you can!
You can read lots more Positive Birth Stories here. We have positive birth stories from all types of births, including homebirths, water births, induction of labour, instrumental deliveries and Caesarean section births.
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