Positive Waterbirth Birth Stories
There are so many positive reasons as to why you might want a waterbirth, as these Happy Parents. Happy Baby. graduates will testify.
Benefits can include increased comfort, shorter labours and a great sense of calm and control.
If you would like to plan for a water birth, Happy Parents. Happy Baby. antenatal and hypnobirthing courses can help you to do this. They include a session by an NHS Midwife and Obstetric (pregnancy and baby) doctor, who will explain all your choices, such as pain relief options available in the water, to positions for birth and what to expect once your baby is born. Our hypnobirthing teachers will also teach you breathing techniques, relaxations, massage and more, to complement a beautiful water birth experience.
We hope you enjoy these stories.
You can read more positive birth stories here
Jenny had Tio Polly on Boxing Day. After a long labour, she was delighted to deliver her naturally using only gas and air.
Emilia is Sonja’s second baby. She realised after taking the Happy Parents. Happy Baby. antenatal course how under prepared she had been the first time round. Attending the Forest Hill course helped her and her partner David prepare for all eventualities and as a result they felt calm and in control throughout Sonja’s labour, which helped them to have such an incredible and positive experience.
Katherine and Ross had a really positive birth expierence as they welcomed baby Kaila into the world. Katherine used the Hapy Parents. Happy Baby. hypnobithing techniques and relaxations throughout her labour to help her feel calm and Ross supported her with her breathing.
Ashley had an extremely positive pregnancy and homebirth with her husband and mum present. HPHB helped her to be confident in her birthing choices.
Kat had a really enjoyable pregnancy and a positive water birth using hypnobirthing. HPHB helped Kat and Paul to be prepared and confident for any outcome and also postnatally - showing them positions to hold the baby during breastfeeding.