A positive planned twin c-section: Jamie and Skye’s birth story

Tell us about your family…

We are Tori and Fraser.

Our twins Jamie and Skye are 18 months old.

We also live with our cat Llywellyn.

Describe your household in three words

Disorganised, happy, busy.

What is your favourite thing about being a twin parent?

I love that my twins have each other, as they are getting older they are such little pals and play together, run around together, push each other. Its so nice that they are never alone.

People always say to us 'ooo double trouble', but we don't think of it like that at all. In fact, it really annoys us when people say this now, just because they are a pair doesn't make them trouble! It takes a lot of energy with two babies, but there is nothing better than seeing the two of them toddling along together.

They have learned patience and waiting their turn naturally and always want to make each other laugh now.I think because of having each other, they have really good social skills with other adults and kids, they like to engage with people and adjust to new people easy. Settling into nursery was much easier than others because they were together and happy to be around new people too.

One baby is cute, but two babies are even cuter :)

In difficult times (both kids upset, midnight wakes), we keep reminding ourselves that we can and will get through it - everything is just a stage.

What are your top tips for preparing for a twin birth?

Don't get lots of maternity clothes. Tummy balm every night to reduce stretch marks. Sleep as much as possible. Enjoy feeling all the movements of both babies. Get more baby clothes and in different sizes. Bring them ALL to the hospital + lots of nappies/socks/pre-made formula in case it’s needed.

Tell us about your birth?

We had a planned c-section - everything went so smoothly and I couldn't recommend it enough.

What are your top tips for giving birth to twins?

Don't be shy asking for ALL the help in the hospital. We were in for about 3 days after the birth in peak covid so I didn't want to ask too much, but I wish I had asked so much more from nurses, midwives and doctors. The first 2 days are pretty overwhelming being a new parent with TWO babies. I wish I'd ask for more help with every feed and even changing them, getting ready myself.

How were the early weeks with the twins?

Survival - not a lot of sleep. But then worried when the babies WERE sleeping it felt strange with the quiet... enjoy any quiet time possible. We also got out of the house as much as we could (again, peak Covid), but we would go for drives/walks just to get some fresh air.

What have been your biggest challenges?

It was really challenging once they both started crawling/wanting to walk. Everything felt dangerous! We spent a lot of time as soft play centres... Once they were both walking it was easier again.

What have been your biggest triumphs?

Doing so much travel with them - we have traveled to the US 2x in the past year and around Europe/UK. It takes organisation but we feel it's good for everyone to do new things. It's always been important for us to still be 'us' so we try to bring the twins along to all activities we want to go to (and get a babysitter for the non-baby ones!).

What are your ultimate twin hacks?

Keep them on the same schedule!!! Especially feeding and then trying with naps. But feeding is essential. If one wants fed, the others gets it too (even if you have to wake the other up). Schedules are essential. I think single-baby parents can get away without a schedule, but it actually made life easier since we all had a routine (honestly, in the first year I think I had it easier than a lot of single-baby mums because of the schedule). They share everything - water bottles, spoons, even dummies. Most clothes are gender neutral. Keeping things separate is silly at this stage.

What products could you not live without?

Tommee Tippee Perfect Prep machine, lots of bottles, microwave steriliser. Twin pillow (looks like a '3') for bottle feeding, baby chill time/nap time in early days. Twin breastfeeding pillow (I used Piglet & Peanut - highly recommend). Mountain Buggy Duet.

What other twin resources have helped you?

Twiniversity (Insta). Other than that we just used 'normal' baby books, insta etc.

How did HPHB help you prepare?

The pre-birth prep was really useful (especially the relaxation/hypobirthing). I knew I was going to have a c-section, but it was good to be able to process everything calmly. All the classes were really interesting and relevant too - like the ones for post-birth, and the one with the doctor.


A positive unplanned twin c-section: Kehlani and Kalia’s birth story


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