Positive Instrumental Delivery Birth Stories

Perhaps you haven’t considered a forceps or a ventouse as part of your birth plan.

However, around one in seven babies require some final help as they enter the world, and as these parents testify, they were able to have a really positive experience.

In these situations, knowledge is key. Understanding why interventions such as forceps or ventouse may be offered will help you feel comfortable and empowered by your decision to accept them as part of your birthing process.

That is why we have a midwife and obstetric (pregnancy and birth) doctor on all our antenatal courses, who work alongside our hypnobirthing teachers to arm you with information you can trust, so that should you be offered some extra help at the end of labour, you can make a really informed decision about what is best for you and your baby. 

We hope you enjoy these stories.

You can read more positive birth stories here