Course terms.

Please read our course terms before booking onto our course. Prior to booking a course, you will be asked to confirm acceptance of the below terms:


The price of our course is stated on our website and payment must be made via (Stripe or Direct Bank Transfer) in advance of you joining a course.


The outline of course content can be found on the Courses page on our website. We reserve the right to alter the course content and/or substitute experts should this be necessary.  We will notify you on the website as to whether the course is to be held as a virtual course via video call or in person. If, due to factors outside of our control, we are no longer able to run a course in person as advertised, we are entitled to run the course as a virtual course via video call and we will notify you of the same.

The team that delivers this course are all qualified health professionals. Information is for your education and guidance but is not intended to replace advice from your own medical team. We are here to support you but cannot give you specific information on health-related queries with regards to your own pregnancy, birth or baby. Any concerns you have of this nature must be directed to your medical team who have overall responsibility for your care. We cannot be held liable for the outcome of any decisions you may or may not take, based on information from our course or course materials.

We cannot be held liable for any actions, omissions or issues with our hosting venues and we reserve the right to change venues, before or during a course, with written notice being provided to you.


In the exceptional circumstance that we may be required to reschedule a course and change your booking, we will always try to find a mutually agreeable suitable alternative, or else we will issue a full refund.

The course requires a minimum number of participants to run and we reserve the right to cancel the course and issue a full-refund if numbers are not met. 

Unfortunately, we cannot offer refunds for cancelled bookings, unless:

1.  You miss the entire course for medical reasons and where accompanied by a letter from your medical team. This includes, if you miss the entire course, because your baby is born before 37 weeks. If you have already started a course and your baby is born before 37 weeks, we will be unable to offer a refund for any sessions missed but will enable you to catch up on the missed sessions at a later date.

2. There are exceptional circumstances and Happy Parents. Happy Baby. allow you to cancel the course at their discretion. This will be subject to a £25 administration fee.

You should aim to complete the course before you reach term (37 weeks of pregnancy). If you decide to book a course which finishes after this, it is at your own risk and if you are unable to attend any or all of the sessions because your baby has been born, we will not be able to offer a refund. This excludes cases where your baby is born before 37 weeks of pregnancy.

If you are unable to attend any session of your course due to medical reasons, where this is accompanied by a letter from your medical team, we will arrange for a catch up session.  Refunds will not be given in relation for a course which you have already started, as we will be unable to fill your place.


We occasionally take photos and videos during our courses and reunions, for promotional purposes.

If you do not wish to be in these, please email us at

These terms should be read in addition to our Website Terms and are also governed by the laws of England and Wales. 


Pets are not permitted at our in person sessions and you will not be allowed entry if you bring them.